Setting up headless raspberry pi zero w
Setting up headless raspberry pi zero w

To burn the image to the SD card, run this command (adjusting for the location and filename of the image that you downloaded): sudo dd bs=1m if=~/Downloads/-raspbian-buster-lite.img of=/dev/disk2 Unmount the micro SD cardīefore you can burn an image to the card, you needs to unmount it first, by issuing this command (assuming disk2!): diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk2 Make sure you have the correct one before proceeding. Open up a terminal window and type: diskutil listĪt the bottom of the output, you should get a result similar to this: /dev/disk2 (internal, physical):Īssuming that your SD card is 8GB, you can tell that /dev/disk2 is the SD card. Put a blank micro SD card into an adapter and plug it into your computer. Once you download the file, unzip it and note the location of the *.img file.

setting up headless raspberry pi zero w

If you prefer to use an app, download balenaEtcher, flash the disk and skip down to the step about enabling ssh.

setting up headless raspberry pi zero w

These steps emulate what an install script does.

Setting up headless raspberry pi zero w